Well regards Lunch trade only in West Perth
- Business ID: 1351
- Business Type: Cafes and Restaurants, Retail Food
- Status: Available
- North of the River
Price: $75,000 Excluding Stock
- Stock: $4,000 Estimated
- Turnover: $8,000 Per Week
Well regarded restaurant serving a variety of Asian dishes.
Same owners 18 years.
Highly profitable business.
Lunch trade only. - Short hours
Turnover $8,000 per week.
Located in commercial / office area with plenty of foot traffic.
Seats 66 people.
Owners willing to provide support and training.
Owners looking to retire and is looking for a quick sale
Located in West Perth
Opportunity are endless for the new owners
Subscribe to Uber Eats
Trade for dinner or over the weekend.
Coffee and drinks sales.
Alvin Teh
Mobile: 0413-103-801
Office: 6102-3816
Email: alvin@ubps.com.au