Easy to operate newsagency
- Business ID: 1347
- Business Type: Newsagency
- Status: Available
- North of the River
Price: $195,000 Excluding Stock
- Stock: $30,000 Estimated
- Turnover: $1,175,000 Per Year
Neighbourhood shopping centre anchored by Coles
Easy to operate one person business
Low overhead (no ongoing franchise fees or software subscription fees)
Low risk stock holding (hardly any perishables, lots of "sale or return" stock and consignment stocks) which also allows for flexibility in changing what stock you wish to sell
Currently carrying low levels of giftware - high potential for a gift/trend savvy buyer to expand to take advantage of a high disposable income (free spending) customer base
High traffic location and situated at main shopping centre entrance to maximise exposure
Access to both office/commercial & residential demographics

Alvin Teh
Mobile: 0413-103-801
Office: 6102-3816
Email: alvin@ubps.com.au